Geometrical Apocalypse 1.1


- Added two new Enemies

  • Brute - faster than normal enemies. Deals a lot of damage. Starts appearing at score 100
  • Shooter- Shoots bullets at you(duh). Starts appearing at score 500

-Added two Power Ups

  • Health - heals the player(Brutes have a chance of dropping it)
  • Shield - gives you a temporary shield for 10 seconds(Shooters have a chance of dropping it)

-fixed animated title.

-fixed a glitch where the player is unable to move if returned from main menu.

-moved the score to the bottom center.

-made health bar better.

-added  controls menu.


- Add a boss.

-Add new weapons.

What do you think of the update? Please leave suggestions for the next update. Feedback will also be appreciated!


GeometricalApocalypse Play in browser
Apr 07, 2019


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Nice update, you got a lot done.

simple things you could do if you wanted:

1: Pan the camera out maybe 10% as it feels a little cramped after 1000 points-ish.

2: Auto-fire when holding down right-mouse button.

3: Shooter's bullet hard to see on yellow backround.

4: Tell me how you made such a brilliant main menu, 


1. Noted

2. That will actually be a feature of a different gun

3. Will make the background a little darker

4. I guess the appeal may be the animated title or the font. I just followed Brackeys' tutorial and went with the style of the game. Thanks by the way!

Thanks for the tip, I'm going to have to re-watch that :)


Your  Welcome!